Francisco Suárez-Ruiz bio photo

Francisco Suárez-Ruiz

I'm from Bogotá, Colombia. Currently in Singapore. Passionate about robotics, technology and football.

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Labrob Metapackage

Metapackage to learn a little bit about ROS and get to know some of the existing tools for mobile robots

Takktile Sensors with the Raspberry Pi

ROS software to connect TakkTile sensors to the Raspberry PI directly using the I2C bus. This has been tested connecting the TakkTile Kit for Robotic.


Grips Metapackage

Worked to add the Grips Manipulator into Gazebo properly. Created simulated controllers, tweaked meshes and simulation properties.

Geomagic Touch in ROS

Worked to add the Geomagic Touch (formerly Sensable PHANToM Omni) haptic device into ROS. Created robot description, tweaked meshes and physical properties.